Pet a whale

February 2025
15 - 24
We have been dreaming about this trip for a long time, and finally it has become a reality. Our tour to Mexico has been brewing for several years, and we are happy to invite you to go with us on this incredible journey!

The main goal is to meet whales. There are only three places in the world where you can pet and kiss a gray whale, and all of them are in Mexico. Imagine: you are in the middle of the ocean, in a fast but small boat, and a giant, friendly gray whale swims up to you, which you can not only look at up close, but even touch and hug. This is a truly unique experience, and we want to share it with you.

Earlier, when we said that our dream was to hug a whale, many people smiled indulgently, and we ourselves did not fully believe that this was possible. But now we know for sure that the dream is absolutely achievable.

Our tour is designed for 10 days and includes not only a meeting with whales, but also many other exciting adventures. We will swim with whale sharks and seals, explore the amazing culture and history of Mexico, enjoy delicious local cuisine and discover the most picturesque corners of this amazing country.

We promise that this will be an unforgettable trip, full of laughter, warm atmosphere and vivid impressions. We want you to feel like you are among old friends, heading out to meet new adventures.

Join us, and let's create memories together that will last a lifetime. Your adventure starts here!

p.s. *Expedition - assumes that we will explore the country as you do, there may be changes in the program, some rough spots, but our experience allows us to take into account almost all the nuances of the trip already at the planning stage.



Let's kiss and pet the whale

There are only three places in the world where you can see whales this close, all of them are in Mexico and that's where we're going.

Snorkeling with Seals

Are you ready to freeze in emotion and delight?

Let's fly in hot air balloons over Teotihuacan

What a beautiful morning awaits us, a mix of history, romance and breathtaking beauty.

Let's visit incredible thermal spas

Let's enjoy hot water in the most beautiful pools of Mexico

Let's admire the volcanoes

Did you know that in Mexico there are several volcanoes over 5 thousand meters high?

Let's enjoy Mexican cuisine

Are you ready for new tastes?

Let's swim with whale sharks

Let's feel tiny next to the largest fish on the planet

Отдохнем на пляжах с белоснежным песком

Будем купаться и наслаждаться прекрасным февральским солнцем

Увидим самые большие кактусы в жизни

Именно так мы обычно представляем Мексику

Let's get acquainted with the culture and customs

Let's walk around Mexico City
We hope you are a little intrigued and ready to read the tour details and program :)
Meet the group in Mexico City
The first day is organizational. After the transatlantic flight, you will need to rest and acclimatize, because Mexico City is located at an altitude of 2240 meters above sea level, so we are not planning a busy program. We check into the hotel, rest, and in the evening we will go to meet the sunset at one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the city, Torre Latinoamericana.

We have dinner and discuss plans for the upcoming trip.
Hot Air Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan and Panoramic Road Ruta Volcanes
At 5 am you will wake up and will not be able to close your eyes. The time zone difference is taking its toll. Let's take advantage of this and go to the pyramids of the ancient city of Teotihuacan. We will not only walk around the ruins, we will rise above the pyramids in a hot air balloon. This walk is an incredible experience that can become one of the most vivid and memorable for many!

Teotihuacan (Teōtīhuacān - the place where the gods were born, or the city of the gods)

After the flight, we will have breakfast and our first acquaintance with Mexican cuisine. Then we will go for a walk around Teotihuacan on foot. We will admire the Pyramid of the Sun, which exceeds the perimeter of the Cheops pyramid in Giza.
DAY 2 Road Ruta Vulcanes
Did you know that there are real active large volcanoes around Mexico City?
Being nearby and not seeing these wonders is not in our rules, so we set off to explore the beautiful road Ruta Volcanes.

On the way we will meet two magnificent five-thousanders - the active Popocatepetl (5393 m) and Iztaccíhuatl (5286 m)

The road passes through a picturesque forest and hills. We will definitely stop at one of the Mexican restaurants to try quesadilla, meat, fish and local drinks.
We will also visit the Cortes Pass (3400 m) and try to get to the La Joya parking lot (3910 m) to see the Iztaccíhuatl volcano up close and get into the spirit of mountaineering, because this is where all mountain climbers begin their journey.

In the evening we will return to Mexico City. We will have dinner and rest
Grutas Tolantongo
Breakfast and head to Grutas Tolantongo - a natural SPA that is more popular with locals than tourists. A system of grottoes and caves with natural thermal water makes this place unique. Natural hot springs decorate the landscape, creating a collection of stunning turquoise pools.
There is a tunnel full of naturally heated water, with steam rising up the walls of the cave, located around a huge hot waterfall.
We will spend the evening and the first half of the next day here, this will help us reboot and acclimatize even more, to finally feel like we are on vacation.

We spend the night in a hotel at the SPA
Grutas Tolantongo - Mexico city
In the morning we will warm up in the pools again, take beautiful photos and videos before the tourists arrive, because the pools open earlier for those who live in local hotels. After lunch, full of energy and rested, we head to Mexico City.
Flight to La Paz, Boho California
In the morning we fly to La Paz. Our sea adventure begins with this town. Today we will have time to bask on the beach and feel like we are at the end of the world, azure water, white sand and delicious seafood - the perfect pause before an active holiday.
La Paz Beaches and Transfer to Loreto
After breakfast, we will immediately perk up by going swimming with whale sharks in the Sea of ​​Cortez. The water at this time of year is +20, +21 C, so we will have wetsuits. It is important to understand that we are completely dependent on the weather, so keep your fingers crossed.
Swimming with whale sharks is a special adventure and an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. These silent giants are not dangerous to people, but next to them you feel like a tiny part of such a huge and beautiful world.

We have lunch and head to the town of Loreto. The journey takes about 4 hours. The road is excellent, all around is the much-awaited Mexican landscape - huge cacti and small canyons. And also deserted and very beautiful lagoons. We stop, take photos, immerse ourselves in the very essence of Mexico.
Snorkeling with seals or blue whales and transfer to Guerrero Negro
In the morning after breakfast we will go to see the colony of sea lions. You can snorkel with them. Here in Loreto they are larger in size and resemble sea lions. The seals are willing to make contact and often amuse tourists with funny antics. This adventure will bring bright emotions and will not leave even the most sophisticated travelers indifferent.

After lunch we go to our dream - the Guerrero Negro lagoon. It is worth mentioning right away that you should not expect red carpets here. All the hotels are in the style of eco-bungalows with minimal conditions, but this is what creates the effect of greater natural immersion, brings naturalness and authenticity.

Touch the whale. Gray whales in mexico

Wake up, have breakfast and yes, we are heading to the whales!

It becomes clear why we traveled so far. There are usually a lot of whales in the lagoon (of all three whale lagoons in Baja California, this one is the most densely populated). The dream that once seemed impossible becomes a reality. Now a curious baby whale swims up to the boat and looks at our surprised faces. Will we be able to touch it? Local whales are happy to let us pet them, perhaps because of the growths that have already formed on their bodies, they enjoy it when people scratch them. Experienced sailors say that a whale's favorite place to touch is its mouth :) Let's try to check.
Whales Again
Our spare day. If the weather and whale gods were kind to us the day before, then everyone who wants to can consolidate their success and go for another walk, or lie on the beach or walk around the area.

In the afternoon, we head back to Loreto. On the way, we sort through photos and videos, share them with loved ones and try to realize that all this is real.
DAY 10
Transfer to La Paz and flight to Mexico City
Early departure to La Paz, once again enjoying the Mexican landscape outside the window, at lunchtime we fly to Mexico City.

This time we say goodbye to Mexico, but perhaps we are only saying see you later.

P.s. From Mexico City you can fly to Cancun on your own to continue your vacation by the sea or go home
Маттерхорн ледник Горнерграт Швейцария
2650 euro per person
Prepayment 50% (non-refundable 4 months before departure) at the exchange rate at the time of booking the tour
  • All car travel expenses (car rental, toll roads, fuel, car insurance)
  • Accommodation in hotels/apartments along the entire route
  • Full support at all stages of the trip
  • Photographer on the tour = professional photos from the trip
  • Hot air balloon flight over Teotihuacan
  • Visit to the Grutas Tolantongo SPA
  • Snorkeling with whale sharks (+equipment)
  • Snorkeling with seals (+equipment) or a walk to blue whales
  • Whale safari to gray whales
  • Guides
Not included
  • Flight to Mexico City
  • Insurance
  • Domestic flights (to La Paz and back from 200 euros)
  • Second whale safari to gray whales (optional)
  • Visa (consular fee, issued online)
Маттерхорн ледник Горнерграт Швейцария
Phone: +420 604 264 002