Iceland. Checklist.

What to take with you?

Every traveler who is going to the homeland of the Vikings for the first time has a natural question: "What to take with you, and what will not be useful?" Modern low-cost airlines limit baggage allowances, and you don't want to drag along extra stuff.

What to take with you, and what you definitely won’t need?
The word "summer" for many people is associated primarily with light dresses, shorts, tank tops, T-shirts, and open shoes. We would not like to upset you, but the above-mentioned clothes are not at all suitable for the northern island.

In this short article, we will try to tell you what you cannot do without traveling around summer Iceland and how not to make a fatal mistake when packing a travel bag (or better yet, a backpack). We hope that our efforts will not be in vain and you will be able to get maximum pleasure and comfort from your vacation.
Below you will find a CHECKLIST that the Adventure Road team has compiled especially for its tourists)
One of the most important items on our checklist.

The boots should be trekking boots, with a stable sole and good tread. Trying to put on light sneakers, high-heeled shoes or office shoes will end sadly for your feet (lava fields, slag-covered slopes, rocky trails and steep clay climbs will not only ruin your fashionable shoes, but will also have a detrimental effect on your health).

A good pair of proven hiking boots is a guarantee that your trip will be filled with bright and positive impressions.

Read how to choose hiking boots in this article:)

  • Thermal underwear
Speaking about clothes, we always recommend taking summer thermal underwear (if you are a big "freezer person" - you can take winter ones too :) In Iceland, there are strong winds at any time of the year, so in cold weather such a set will be very useful.

  • Windproof and waterproof jacket.
Even though July and August are the warmest months, we strongly recommend that you do not refuse a jacket, and if it is a membrane, then we will be completely calm for you. It is better to take something off when it is hot than to freeze to the bone and get sick. (We will tell you in detail about how to choose good membrane clothing and trekking shoes in future posts)

A sweatshirt, or fleece jacket is another important element of the Icelandic summer wardrobe.

  • Vest
This item is not so much mandatory, as we recommend it for reasons of convenience. If you have a good hooded vest, it will go perfectly with a fleece jacket or sweatshirt. You can always cover your back, chest and head from wind and rain without overheating.

  • Spare socks (take several pairs in case your feet get wet during the route).
Wet feet are the first step to cold and callused heels. If you have trekking socks, they are ideal for Iceland in combination with special boots.
Forget about umbrellas, there is no point in taking them to Iceland unless you want to go on a long journey like Mary Poppins :)
In addition to sportswear and waterproof clothing, you will need:

  • Hat/windproof headband/buff.
Let's take care of our ears and throat.

  • Sunglasses.
The sun is very active in Iceland, if you end up on a glacier or snowfield on a clear day, you can easily burn your eyes - this is very unpleasant and painful.

  • Sunscreen (it is better to take baby sunscreen, usually it is the strongest)
In good weather, you can get very badly sunburned while trekking. In the mountains, there is a deceptive impression that the temperature is comfortable and you are not hot at all, but it is worth remembering that the cool wind and the feeling of freshness do not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. For example, when we traveled through the Alps or the volcanoes of Kamchatka, we observed cases of sunburn on the hands (which is unthinkable even on the beach), noses and even lips! Getting sunburned on a hike is not the most pleasant thing. Do not spare five minutes of your time and in good weather, smear yourself with sunscreen.

  • Hygienic lipstick.
Protects lips from chapping and drying out.

  • Rain protection (we know we are repeating ourselves here, but this is the most important item to pack - take note).
Even in good weather, we always take waterproof clothes with us, especially when we go to waterfalls, the spray from which is carried by the wind for several meters around.

  • Bathing suit.

  • In both summer and winter, you cannot do without a bathing suit in Iceland. Wherever you go, you will come across thermal springs along the way, they are here - at every step.

  • Burner or thermos.
In damp and windy weather, there is always a desire to warm up. It is worth remembering that it is not always possible to find tea/coffee on the road, and it will not be cheap. We usually take a thermos of hot tea with us in the car or on the route - this always helps to warm up your hands and thaw from the inside, in addition, herbal tea is an excellent means of increasing immunity.

  • Medicines. Pack a first aid kit for your trip. Especially if you need certain medications, just in case, take extra (if the pills are calculated per day) in case the flights are suddenly canceled due to bad weather. In Iceland, all medications are sold only by prescription and are usually brought to order. Pharmacies are more like perfume and cosmetics stores.
Are you unsure what to take with you and what not?
Write to us, we will help:
These were the main general points. We help our tourists to get ready for upcoming tours individually, give detailed recommendations on what NOT to take and suggest how to save space in your backpack for souvenirs :)
If you have any questions, you can always ask us personally, we are open to cooperation and are happy to help travelers with advice and share our experience.

Warm regards,
The Adventure Road Team
Iceland volcano
May your trip be comfortable and filled with wonders!
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Barbara & Paul
Phone: +420 604 264 002
E-mail: youradventureroad@gmail.com